Public-private alliance to tackle the mismatch between supply and demand in the world of work
The testimony of Prostand, partner of MEETING 2023 as service provider for fit-outs. The Prostand Corporate Academy: concrete help for those who want to qualify and retrain in the temporary fit-out sector.The free courses such as ‘WOOD TECHNOLOGIST’ and ‘RIGGER’, promoted by the Prostand Corporate Academy and financed by the Emilia-Romagna Region, have reached the […]
Prostand inaugurates the Prostand Corporate Academy
The philosophy behind the Academy is investment in human capital, to facilitate a rapid entry into the world of work. At the same time, the school is strongly oriented towards Corporate Social Responsibility which, in the case of Prostand, aims at supporting self-entrepreneurship and business start-up paths for young people. Two initiatives are already planned: […]
The colour evolution and revolution in carpeting
The colour evolution and revolution in carpeting:the Osservatorio Allestimenti is on the lookout for the latest trends. A glimpse into the industry with the contribution of Alma, which pioneered the colour revolution in the exhibition world with its needle-punched carpets. Carpeting is an element that has always been present and important in Italian exhibition design. […]