There is no environmental sustainability without social sustainability first!
Companies and exhibitions visitors are increasingly attentive to the sustainability of events and to the choices made by organizers, many of whom are at the
A look at the future of trade fair and event design
The Osservatorio Allestimenti, managed by Prostand (an Italian Exhibition Group company), is the first facility dedicated to temporary architecture for the sustainable economy in business spaces. The temporary installations express the synthesis of architectural structures, technology and beauty, combining economic sustainability and environmental sustainability.
The Osservatorio’s mission is to analyse and pre-empt temporary architecture trends, thanks to the contribution of prestigious members of the scientific committee and stakeholders in the sector, making the various studies available to the entire industry.
The committee is made up of Vincenzo Palermo (Research Director at the CNR and Director of the Institute for Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity in Bologna), Raffaella Laezza
(architect and PHD, scientific director and lecturer for the Master’s degree EMERGENCY TEMPORARY CIRCULAR ARCHITECTURE at the IUAV University of Venice) and Fabrizio Passarini (lecturer at the University of Bologna’s “Toso Montanari” Department of Industrial Chemistry, representative of the CIRI FRAME at Tecnopolo di Rimini and director of “SAFTE – Scuola di Alta Formazione per la Transizione Ecologica” at the University of Bologna).
“We will share with companies that are interested the know-how and professionalism that have been consolidated over the years as a result of our day-to-day activity” says Roberto Bondioli, CEO of ProStand.
“The combination of products and services offered at trade fairs and events, innovative materials and assembly techniques, next-generation digital media, in a dimension of energy sustainability and reuse of materials, have become key factors in evaluating projects. To this, we must add building trends, which are increasingly transferred into the expo offer.”
Companies and exhibitions visitors are increasingly attentive to the sustainability of events and to the choices made by organizers, many of whom are at the
How is the combination of virtual reality and physical reality affecting temporary architecture and, consequently, the organisation of events? Certain recurring concepts emerged within the
Is it possible to find a synthesis between the architectural structures of temporary installations, technology and beauty, combining economic sustainability and environmental sustainability? The Osservatorio
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