The Salone del Camper di Parma is the reference appointment for all fans of en plein air tourism, an unmissable event for companies, manufacturers, and travellers looking for the latest novelties in the world of motorhomes, caravans, and leisure equipment. This event represents a unique opportunity to present new models, meet customers and professionals in the sector, and consolidate one’s presence in an ever-expanding market. Exhibiting with a distinctive stand means standing out and creating a strategic attraction point for your brand.
Prostand creates tailor-made displays designed to make the most of the vehicles on display and the brand identity. Our exhibition spaces are designed to provide an immersive experience for visitors, combining aesthetics, functionality and optimised visitor paths. A well-designed stand is not just a showcase, but a tool for engagement that conveys emotion, passion and reliability, key elements in the touring industry.
Thanks to our consolidated experience in the design and realisation of exhibition spaces, we offer a complete turnkey service, accompanying our customers in every phase, from design to delivery. Each set-up stems from an in-depth analysis of the brand’s needs, to offer customised solutions that maximise visibility and communicative effectiveness. Our attention to detail and care in logistics management allow us to transform each stand into a welcoming, engaging and functional environment.
Scegliere Prostand per il Salone del Camper significa affidarsi a un partner esperto, in grado di garantire una gestione impeccabile e senza imprevisti. Il nostro team segue il cliente in Italia e all’estero, assicurando coerenza e riconoscibilità del brand su scala internazionale.